The Magoffin-Floyd segment is the final section of the Mountain Parkway and once finished, will complete the 45-mile transformational Eastern Kentucky infrastructure project.
The 13-mile segment will be a four-lane, undivided, limited access highway that spans from U.S. 460 in Salyersville (Magoffin County) to KY 404 in Prestonsburg (Floyd County). The segment will follow a cross-country alignment. See below for more alignment information and maps

Project Description
The segment is currently under development and Kentucky Transportation Cabinet (KYTC) is advancing the project through a method known as design-build, in which designers and builders work hand in hand. This structure allows for more versatility in design and construction, and will expedite the overall project timeline. In late 2023, Bizzack Construction was announced as the lead contractor on Magoffin-Floyd.
The project is currently funded to advance, but an overall construction timeline and completion date are dependent on additional state or federal funds.
KYTC and its partners are now collecting detailed environmental and geotechnical information from the cross-country corridor in eastern Magoffin County and Floyd County. Residents will likely see field survey, geotechnical and environmental staff in the area.
During this process, KYTC will identify any properties that might be affected by the cross-country roadway project. Once those potential impacts are known, individual property owners will be notified.
As part of the National Historic Preservation Act, an individual may participate as a consulting party to help inform decision makers on historic resources in the area and how those resources could be affected by the project. Those interested in participating in this process should click on segment below to apply on the KYTC website:
Per Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, the KYTC and FHWA are committed to ensuring nondiscrimination in their programs and activities. The KYTC and FHWA will not discriminate based on race, color or national origin. KYTC will also provide information to individuals who have Limited English Proficiency (LEP), if needed. KYTC’s Title VI Program Plan can be found on the Civil Rights Branch website. Members of the public may file a Title VI complaint with FHWA via [email protected].
Cross-Country Alignment
In fall 2022, Gov. Beshear announced that the preferred alignment of the Magoffin-Floyd segment would be a cross-country route instead of expanding the current Kentucky Highway 114 corridor because it will cause fewer disruptions and property impacts to homes and businesses.
The 2000 Environmental Assessment and the 2003 Finding of No Significant Impact (EA/FONSI) can be found here (2000-2003 EA FONSI). The document recommended rebuilding the KY 114 corridor. Because the recommendation has changed and due to the passage of time, a Supplemental Environmental Assessment (SEA), including a recommended de minimis finding for a Section 4(f) use per 23 CFR 774, was prepared and accepted by the FHWA on January 18, 2024. These assessments are required to evaluate the environmental impacts of all federally funded projects and are essential steps to advancing projects toward construction.
The public may submit comments via mail to KYTC District 10, Attn: Aric Skaggs, P.E., P.O. Box 621, Jackson, KY 41339, email at [email protected] or by phone at (606) 666-8841.
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